Welcome To PopSchmear.com!
We’ve heard the calls, complaints, emails, YouTube comments, blog posts, pigeon messages, texts, e-mails, tweets and Tumblr reposts. You’ve wanted us. You’ve needed us. You didn’t even know you wanted and needed us, but here we are and you love it.
There hasn’t ever been a site like us before. Many have tried, many have failed, but you know we’re the only ones who can give you what you’ve wanted all this time, and we can’t wait to do it.
You love comic books.
You love video games.
You love anime, even though everyone makes fun of you for it.
Well, we love you. We love your ridiculous costumes, your lisp, your bad hygiene and your overactive imagination. We love your intelligence, your need for sharp wit, your obsession with fictional characters and how much you wish those two brothers from Supernatural would just make out. Okay, we don’t love that last part at all, but we love that you love it, because you’re our kind of people. You’re a fan.
Fans need a place to go to read something different, enjoy the beast within and unleash that love of creativity that others have that brings you back for more.
Well, this is that place. We’ll cover every nook and cranny of the pop culture and the geek world. We’ll cover it with our viscous ooze of sarcasm, wit and bold-faced lies.
This is your place. This is for you. Now stop breathing so goddamn hard and start clicking on the rest of the site!